VR Motion Band


SKU: NYK 89101 Categories: ,

VR Motion Band is designed to eliminate the negative effects of prolonged VR headwear use. Fitted with an acupressure bead that stimulates a key point on the interior of the wrist that may reduce common side effects of VR like nausea, dizziness or headaches. The fully adjustable wristband is easy to setup, position the wristband a three-finger width below the base of your palm to help prevent negative VR side effects or to potentially lessen them after a prolonged play session. PLEASE NOTE: The above claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This is not a medical device. Designed to eliminate the negative effects of prolonged VR headwear use Acupressure bead stimulates a key point on the interior of the wrist Easy Setup Adjustable strap

Weight 0.4 oz